Brady Davis - Possession of TCH & more - 06/18
Benjamin Ashbacher - Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer - 06/15
Christina Froehlig - OWI (4th offense within 5 years w/passenger under age 16) & more - 06/11
Jacob Luhtala - Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer - 06/04
Jesse Biermann - Mistreatment of Animals Causing Death - 06/04
Zachary Montgomery - Felony Bail Jumping & more - 06/01
Christopher McClain - Felony Bail Jumping - 06/01
NOTICE: By viewing these court records, you are agreeing that you can not hold against the defendant(s) any prejudice until the case is closed and there is a judgment of conviction. You also agree to all terms shown on the Wisconsin Circuit Court website in regard to this. Wisconsin-buzz is not responsible for this information, please verify with the agency listed in the actual record.
May 2015
Linda Johnson - Forgery - 05/26
Jody Moore
- Misappropriate ID Info to Obtain Money - 05/21
Linda Johnson - Misappropriate ID Info to Obtain Money - 05/21
Tina Zimmerman
- Possess with Intent to Deliver Heroin - 05/18
Kris Ziemke - Child Abuse - 05/18
Bruce Smetak
- OWI (5th or 6th offense) & more - 05/18
Jason Frischmann
- Felony Bail Jumping - 05/18
David Albrecht - Possess with Intent to Deliver Heroin - 05/18
Michael Eisner - Felon Possess Firearm & more - 05/07
Robert Brostowitz - OWI (7th, 8th or 9th) & more - 05/07
Tina Zimmermann
- Possession of Methamphetamine & more - 05/07
April 2015
Christopher McClain - Felony Bail Jumping & more - 04/24
Steven Hoffmann - Felony Bail Jumping - 04/17
Steven Hoffmann - Felony Bail Jumping & more - 04/17
Mark Krueger - Felony Bail Jumping - 04/15
Jennifer Willett - OWI (5th or 6th offense) & more - 04/08
David Sellers - Repeated Sexual Assault & more - 04/02
March 2015
William Barnes - Substantial Battery - 03/31
Joseph Voda - Possess with Intent to Deliver Marijuana - 03/31
Jeffrey Wendler - Operating While Intoxicated (5th or 6th offense) & more - 03/27
Joseph Voda - Possess with Intent to Deliver Amphetamine & more - 03/27
Carol Voda - Possess with Intent to Deliver Amphetamine & more - 03/27
Richard Smith - Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer & more - 03/25
David Albrecht - Burglary - 03/25
Reggie Drott - Failure to Support Child - 03/20
Steven Brandt - Repeated Sexual Assault of Same Child & more - 03/09
February 2015
Robert Brostowitz - Operating While Intoxicated (5th or 6th offense) & more - 02/26
David Albrecht - Child Abuse - 02/25
Bonnie Bell - Felony Bail Jumping - 02/24
Skylar Knapp - Possession of Narcotic Drugs & more - 02/19
Skylar Knapp - Felony Bail Jumping - 02/19
January 2015
Mark Krueger - Operating while Intoxciated (5th or 6th offense) & more - 01/07
Eric Zubricky - Child Enticement & more - 01/05
December 2014
Jeffrey Coffin-Baars - Operating While Intoxicated (5th or 6th offense) & more - 12/23
Kyle Washa - Possession of Marijuana (2nd+ Offense) & more - 12/23
Jake Mann - Substantial Battery - 12/22
Matthew Godlewski - Failure to Support Child - 12/17
Shay Huegli - Burglary & more - 12/10
Thomas Laughlin - Possession of Firearm by Felon - 12/03
Brandon Scott - Substantial Battery - 12/01
Daniel Bobbe - Operating While Intoxicated (7th, 8th or 9th offense) & more - 12/01
November 2014
Matthew Jablonsky
- Possession of Methamphetamine & more - 11/24
Ashley Meyer - Possession of Methamphetamine & more - 11/24
Danielle East - Possession of Methamphetamine & more - 11/24
Robert DuBois - Possession of Marijuana (2nd+ Offense) & more - 11/24
Stewart Rinker
- Felony Bail Jumping & more - 11/13
Michael Moser - Operating While Intoxicated (4th offense within 5 years) & more - 11/07
Michael Moser - Battery to Law Enforcement Officers, Fire Fighters or Commission Wardens & more - 11/07
Nicholas Esberner - False Imprisonment & more - 11/07
Click here for Older Price County Criminal Felony Charges
Jody Moore

Linda Johnson - Misappropriate ID Info to Obtain Money - 05/21
Tina Zimmerman

Kris Ziemke - Child Abuse - 05/18
Bruce Smetak

Jason Frischmann

David Albrecht - Possess with Intent to Deliver Heroin - 05/18
Michael Eisner - Felon Possess Firearm & more - 05/07
Robert Brostowitz - OWI (7th, 8th or 9th) & more - 05/07
Tina Zimmermann

Steven Hoffmann - Felony Bail Jumping - 04/17
Steven Hoffmann - Felony Bail Jumping & more - 04/17
Mark Krueger - Felony Bail Jumping - 04/15
Jennifer Willett - OWI (5th or 6th offense) & more - 04/08
David Sellers - Repeated Sexual Assault & more - 04/02
Joseph Voda - Possess with Intent to Deliver Marijuana - 03/31
Jeffrey Wendler - Operating While Intoxicated (5th or 6th offense) & more - 03/27
Joseph Voda - Possess with Intent to Deliver Amphetamine & more - 03/27
Carol Voda - Possess with Intent to Deliver Amphetamine & more - 03/27
Richard Smith - Vehicle Operator Flee/Elude Officer & more - 03/25
David Albrecht - Burglary - 03/25
Reggie Drott - Failure to Support Child - 03/20
Steven Brandt - Repeated Sexual Assault of Same Child & more - 03/09
David Albrecht - Child Abuse - 02/25
Bonnie Bell - Felony Bail Jumping - 02/24
Skylar Knapp - Possession of Narcotic Drugs & more - 02/19
Skylar Knapp - Felony Bail Jumping - 02/19
Eric Zubricky - Child Enticement & more - 01/05
Kyle Washa - Possession of Marijuana (2nd+ Offense) & more - 12/23
Jake Mann - Substantial Battery - 12/22
Matthew Godlewski - Failure to Support Child - 12/17
Shay Huegli - Burglary & more - 12/10
Thomas Laughlin - Possession of Firearm by Felon - 12/03
Brandon Scott - Substantial Battery - 12/01
Daniel Bobbe - Operating While Intoxicated (7th, 8th or 9th offense) & more - 12/01

Ashley Meyer - Possession of Methamphetamine & more - 11/24
Danielle East - Possession of Methamphetamine & more - 11/24
Robert DuBois - Possession of Marijuana (2nd+ Offense) & more - 11/24
Stewart Rinker

Michael Moser - Operating While Intoxicated (4th offense within 5 years) & more - 11/07
Michael Moser - Battery to Law Enforcement Officers, Fire Fighters or Commission Wardens & more - 11/07
Nicholas Esberner - False Imprisonment & more - 11/07