Study indicates area is facing skills gap

According to a recent study, northwest Wisconsin – including Price County – is facing a critical skills gap that could reach a critical tipping point in five years if left unaddressed.

The study was sponsored by three groups: Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board, Visions Northwest Regional Economic Development Group, and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. It focused on 10 northwestern Wisconsin counties in an effort to determine if the region is experiencing a skills gap (Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Iron, Burnett, Washburn, Sawyer, Price, Rusk and Taylor).

“We were hearing a lot of anecdotal stories from employers who felt they were experiencing a skills gap, and we wanted to know if that was in fact correct, and if there was, what was causing it,” said Mari Kay-Nabozny, chief executive officer for NWWIB. “We wanted simply to find out if there was a skills gap in the region.”

Read more: Price County Review

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