State budget effects on northern Wisconsin discussed at NWRPC meeting

With the state budget under discussion, many of the topics at the Northwest Regional Planning Commission’s annual meeting in Hayward June 24 revolved around how it would affect northwestern Wisconsin.

Transportation funding was one such topic. Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) Systems Planning Chief Tom Beekman said that the current debate in the legislature isn’t over the size of the transportation under the governor’s budget proposal but rather how much of that budget should be funded by bonding. Beekman said that according to reports in the press, the legislature is considering budget reductions anywhere from $300-$800 million in the transportation budget as a means to minimize the bonding. However, it remains to be seen where that type of reduction would be applied within the overall transportation budget.

“[There] is a wide array of choices that the legislature could take to cut that reduction,” Beekman said.

Read more: Price County Review

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