Young adults respond to survey on life in Price County

With Price County experiencing declines in both its overall population and the number of young adults between the ages of 18 and 39, UW-Extension, Price County, administered a survey titled “Attracting & Retaining the Next Generation of Price County Residents” as part of larger efforts geared at addressing current demographic trends.

The process began last May when UW-Extension staff members in the county brought together a focus group of 10 young adults in order to boost their understanding of those factors that people in the target 18 to 39-year-old age group value in a community they consider home.

A survey was next distributed electronically through a tool called Qualtrics as well as through the use of a tablet at community events during the summer months in order to increase response levels (intercept surveys), according to the introduction in the survey report completed by Gail Huycke, community resource development educator for UW-Extension.

Read more: Price County Review

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